Human resources

Employees - The Source Of Our Success

We Achieve Together
The focus of our human resources approach starts with the "value" mindset. We are nourished by a focus to add value to all our processes that affect people and by creating value for people. At Sanovel, we, the human resources team, believe that we will achieve positive results in every field through the positive energy created by our contented employees. Together, we help create value for ourselves, our business, society and all our stakeholders.
Setting High Standards
As the human resources team, we have built our business model in the light of our corporate values of being Ethical and Reliable, Continuously Developing, Agile and Respectful to the Environment and Society. We manage all our processes with the power and a bright perspective that our values provide us.

The "Valuability" perspective keeps us focused on "Transforming Human Resources into Power", "Becoming an Inspiring Sanovel", "Developing R&D power and continuing to make a difference with this power". At Sanovel, people are at the center of all our policies and practices. Knowing that people and culture are inseparable, that people build culture and culture develops and enriches people, we work to transform our human resources into power, and with this power, we take innovative steps to further enrich our deep-rooted culture.

We adopt an approach that believes in open communication, listens to everyone, and values all ideas and criticisms.

We place the right talents in the right jobs and create solutions that shape life by empowering our employees with our performance management that creates high employee loyalty.
Innovative and Digital Human Resources
As digitalization is at the center of life today, we are moving our HR processes and workflows to the digital environment. We create a working climate where our talents can work with innovative technologies. Traditional human resources practices and methodologies are being replaced by digital applications and innovative processes. In parallel with our vision and strategy, we bring our people-oriented approach to digital with strategies and practices that will melt the differences between generations. At Sanovel, using technology for the benefit of employees and creating time and value for employees with the power of technology are among our top priorities. We continue to be a pioneer in the sector with innovations and development-oriented studies. By digitizing our Learning and Development Processes with Sanovel Campus, we have turned this platform into a social sharing platform where employees can both directly support their development and be informed about developments and new projects in the organization. With our digital learning tools and social learning platform, which we designed with our pioneering position in technological transformation, our employees make development a part of their lives regardless of time and place. We offer all our employees the opportunity to use technology effectively in areas such as keeping in touch with sharing groups on Sanovel Campus, following projects, accessing visual and written documents, and sharing information. We provide the best employee experience with mobile applications for easy access from anywhere and on any device. In the following steps of the digital transformation in our HR processes, we focused on increasing the quality and efficiency of all our processes with applications such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, and we aimed to lead Türkiye in this regard. We strive to ensure that our employees can make a difference in their work and use digital innovations and opportunities not only internally but also externally for the benefit of our stakeholders and customers. Sanomeet is an innovative system that allows us to maintain the strong ties we have established with each other in the digital environment as a digital promotion and marketing platform. As Sanovel, we always strive to use technological opportunities to improve our business conduct.

A Candidate & Employee Experience

Human Resources = Our Superpower
From Talent Acquisition to Talent Development, from Communication to Loyalty, from Learning and Development Processes to Total Compensation and Benefits processes, we focus on "adding value" to every step that touches employees' lives and concerns employees. In all our processes, we have a perspective that aims to create a unique employee experience for Sanovel employees and a unique candidate experience for Sanovel candidates. We have created the Sanovel Behavioral Model, Development Agility, Performance Leadership and Change Leadership, which form the basis of all human resources processes, taking into account the changes in the business world. We encourage our entire organization to be agile in development, leader in performance and pioneer in change. While competencies such as Personal Awareness, Curiosity, Collaboration and Empathy are the competencies that make our employee experience enjoyable and develop a culture of collaboration; competencies such as Openness to Change, Results Orientation, Setting Direction and Strategy, Understanding Stakeholders and Digital Transformation are our locomotive competencies that carry us to both success and the future. Our core competencies such as Giving Each Other Space, Coaching and Appreciation are the competencies that will nurture our self-identity/leadership skills while achieving Leadership in Performance.